Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
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- "Control" Offensive? I'm throwing the flagThere’s been a great deal of discussion recently about the phrase “Change Control” – especially with ITIL® 4 switching from Change Management to Change Control in the initial release of…
- A
- A Lesson Hard Learned: Hiding Behind A Service Level AgreementBut there is no joy in Mudville- mighty Casey has struck out. Ernest Lawrance Thayer penned those infamous words to describe the shocking strikeout of the odds-on favorite of The…
- Agile-izing ITSM, Part 1There’s no doubt about it; we’re in the Age of Agile. We’re kind of late into it, yet, I’m frequently asked how we can ‘agilize our ITSM.’ Why isn’t ITSM…
- Agile-izing ITSM, Part 2If there’s one thing that describes successful organizations in our time, it’s “agility” – the ability to quickly detect and rapidly act on change in ways beneficial to the organization. …
- Are 80% of all IT Incidents Change-Related?Everyone’s heard that IT causes the majority of incidents when changes go wrong, but is it really true? Are 80% of all incidents change-related?
- B
- Basic IT Request Fulfillment and Excellent Customer ServiceCalls are not all created equal. Read how Basic IT Request Fulfillment can help you stop ‘taking tickets’ and start actively managing excellence in customer service. Life is like a…
- Best Practices Don't Make you Excellent!“Best practices can only make you average. They stifle creativity and encourage ‘inside the box’ thinking.” I hear this all the time. But the truth is, best practices are what…
- C
- Change management in the age of DevOps“IT is becoming more integrated into the business of organizations, and more integrated with the work of their staff and customers. As a result, the pace and frequency of change…
- Change Management is Not CABI’ve helped a lot of organizations improve their Change Management capability. When coming in from the outside, it’s important to quickly size up the culture and context to the best…
- Confessions of an ITSM practitionerCIf you’re one of the countless ITSM practitioners who work daily in organizations large and small, in countries around the world, listen up. You know how hard, lonely, and thankless …
- E
- Enabling Excellence in IT Service ManagementEI expect excellence in myself and others. Excellence is relative to my current ability; always striving for continual improvement. Excellence is pushing the limit of my current ability, the undying…
- F
- Five lessons learned implementing IT Change ManagementFHere are my top 5 lessons learned implementing IT Change Management that will save you endless heartache. Having recently implemented a Basic IT Change Management Process, I’m sometimes asked about…
- Five things that should be on every CAB agendaWhat are we supposed to talk about at CAB? What should be on the CAB agenda?
- Fusion 15: Five Simple Ways to Make the Most of the Premier ConferenceFusion 15 is the premier ITSM conference – Part HDI conference, part ITSM conference, and new this year, DevOps Fusion. So much opportunity; so little time. Without a plan it’s easy…
- G
- Getting started with a basic service catalogKnowing you need a service catalog and getting your organization to have one are two very different things. Here’s some practical advice for getting started with a basic service catalog…
- H
- Help! I've been asked to Implement Change Management. What do I do?HYour boss says he wants you to implement IT Change Management. Google it (which is probably why you’re reading this now) and you get countless pages of mind numbing details.…
- Holding Still and The Illusion of IT StabilityHKeeping your IT infrastructure stable while making necessary changes feels a bit like walking a tightrope without a net. A near-impossible feat requiring nimble balance The art of Tightrope Walking…
- How Apple Reduces Time To Value (and what your IT can learn from them)HApple has a reputation for the right products at the right time. What can IT learn from Apple about creating raving fans by reducing Time to Value? Christopher Meyer did…
- How IT Change Management Improves Incident ManagementHIT Change Management is usually thought of as a back office function that minimizes the chances of screwing things up while making changes. When done right, it does a lot…
- How Organizational Management of Change is Like Quitting SmokingHOrganizational Management of Change is a lot like quitting smoking. Most of us know a current or former smoker, and how hard it is to quit. What can we learn…
- How to Implement Basic IT Change ManagementHImplementing IT Change Management doesn’t need to be as overwhelming as it may it seem at first glance. In this article, I’ll show how to begin a basic IT Change…
- How to Implement Basic ITSM Problem ManagementHIf you’re in IT, fixing the same issues again and again may not mean you’re insane, but it’s definitely driving your customers crazy! Stop the Insanity with Problem Management! Most…
- How to Mature a Basic IT Change Management ProcessHImplementing Basic IT Change Management is a great place to start, but eventually you’ll need a more business-value focused process. In this article I’ll tell you how to take the…
- How to Measure a Basic IT Change Management ProcessHHave a basic IT Change Management process, or planning to implement one? Change Management should implement changes faster and reduce the risk of business impact. I’ll show you how the…
- How to Select a Great Service Management TrainerHYou know selecting the right trainer is important, but how do you sort through the hype and get the best fit? Here’s 7 sure fire ways to pick a Great…
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- Improving IT Service Delivery: CSI is NOT a ProcessIThinking of CSI as a merely a process not only misses the point, it’s also hazardous to real improvement. CSI is NOT a process! CSI is Not a Process ITIL…
- Is a CMDB required for effective IT?Everyone knows a Configuration Management Database ( CMDB ) is a good idea. We’ve known that for years. And yet, in many years of ITSM practice, I’ve rarely seen a…
- Is Change Management Obsolete… again?Change Management has again returned to the headlines, though you may not have heard it that way. Two years ago in Change Management in the age of DevOps, I wrote…
- IT Change Management or Blame ManagementFar too often the first question when changes go bad is “did it go to CAB”. The question is not only the wrong one, but reveals some poor thinking behind the…
- IT Change Management: Going Faster with Good Brakes.IWith business moving at the speed of light, IT must match pace with implementing IT Changes. What can IT Change Management learn about going fast from the world of auto…
- IT Change Management: Trouble In River City?IIs there really anything wrong with “un-managed” changes? Or is Change Management a contrived problem trumped up by ITIL zealots to sell training and consulting? My daughter is playing Marian…
- IT Change Risk AnalysisEver see a “low risk” change cause major issues? “We’ve done it before and never had any problems” doesn’t cut it in the aftermath of a business-impacting incident caused by…
- IT Improvement: Let's Get This Party Started!In IT, there are times for incremental improvements and other times when you just gotta start a revolution. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, the difference between the podium and obscurity…
- IT Service Management: Building Accountability in Public SectorIBuilding Ownership and Accountability are critical to successful IT Service Management, however building these in public sector organizations presents unique challenges. Here are 10 ways to build accountability in the…
- IT Service Managment: It's all about value to the businessIITIL is designed to maximize business value, so why is it so often viewed as a process-improvement effort? IT Service Management can be polarizing, almost a religious experience – it’s…
- IT Strategic Vision: The Land of Unicorns and RainbowsWhat do unicorns and rainbows have to do with IT Strategic Vision and Service Management? It’s an interesting tale, and if you read on, I’ll make it worth your while.…
- IT Transformation; Hitting 'The Wall'IIf you’ve been working on IT Service Management for some time, you’ve undoubtedly had times when you are just exhausted. Not sure you can take another step. Sound familiar? So…
- IT Value is Created HorizontallyISuccessful IT Service Management is a different way of thinking, not just a different way of doing. We’ve heard for years about IT silos, and that they’re good and bad….…
- ITSM Frameworks: What you can Learn from Intel's AdoptionIAs a technology powerhouse, Intel is in the perfect position to re-engineer their IT processes. Why then did they chose to adopt an ITSM framework? Intel CIO Kim Stevenson recently…
- ITSM Predictions for 2019: A Practitioners ViewEvery year there’s a flurry of predictions for the coming year. This year, I decided to make my own list, from the neutral vantage point of an ITSM practitioner. I…
- ITSM Rapid Process Implementation: CSI is a Verb!II’d rather drop a bowling ball on my tongue than endure another marathon meeting about the target maturity level of an ITSM process! If you find yourself muttering colorful metaphors…
- K
- Killing CAB, Part 2: Delegated Change AuthorityWhat if I told you there’s a way to effectively manage changes without CAB reviewing each one? Would you be interested? Yeah, you and everyone else in the IT world.
- Killing CAB, Part 3: Change ModelsIn this third and final installment in the Killing CAB series, I’ll be talking about Change Models – perhaps the most widely overlooked method of streamlining IT Change Management. It’s…
- Killing CAB, Part I: Standard ChangesHate CAB? You’re in good company if you do. I’ve never met someone who actually likes coming to CAB. What I come across far more often is people who hate ‘CAB’,…
- M
- Measure what mattersI don’t try to be controversial, but this whole metrics and SLA thing is problematic. To be blunt: so many organizations measure and report on a great many things, most…
- O
- OneTeamEarth to IT: we don’t care about your stupid internal bickering and blame games. We expect you to work together to help us solve our business problems. Your customers are under…
- S
- Six Problem Management Myths Busted (and One Confirmed!)SJust because every now and then, you call an IT issue a “problem” and resolve it, does not mean you’re doing problem management! — Joe the IT Guy Problem Management Myths…
- Strategy and Culture: What I've Learned as a new CIOThis year I accepted a CIO position at a state (government) agency. It’s been a great year of learning and growing, not the least of which being that the organizational…
- T
- Technical Debt: The real cost of deferred maintenanceForgone IT maintenance comes at a cost. For most companies, it’s a never ending battle. Here’s five tips for getting out of technical debt.
- The Difference Between Standard and Normal Changes in ITSMOften times people confuse ‘Standard’ and ‘Normal’ Change in IT Change Management. There’s an important concept that gets missed when they’re mixed up. This article will help you keep them…
- The Practitioner's Dilemma: How to Adapt ITSMTrying to implement ITSM processes “by the book” is destined to fail. Practitioners must adapt best practices to meet the organization’s unique challenges. The Practitioner’s Dilemma Many newly trained and…
- The Real Value of IT Incident ManagementTThe value of IT Incident Management is not restoring service. You heard me right. If you’re focusing on how quickly you resolve Incidents, you’re missing the point. Don’t believe me?…
- The surprising bonus value of CABCAB is arguably the most widely adopted ITSM process, but its value goes far beyond Change Management. CAB rallies people around a common cause; the perfect antidote for silos and…
- The Value of Values in IT Transformation, Part 1TTransformation is hard; transformation without knowing your values is impossible. Implementing Service Management demands changing behaviours and cultures, and that is never easy. It’s not enough to want to change,…
- The Value of Values in IT Transformation, Part 2TKnowing your core values are critical to IT Transformation. I was faced with a hard question – why, exactly do I believe in implementing Service Management? Why change what’s working?…
- Two surprising things to build credibility for your Service Management ProgramTWhen your Service Management program faces opposition, credibility makes all the difference between success and failure. So, here you have it; The blunt truth your mother didn’t tell you about…
- W
- What is a Service in ITSM?WLooking for a working definition of an ITSM Service? Is it Customer Service, or something more? Read on for a straight-forward explanation. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve seen a…
- What Is Basic IT Incident ManagementWThinking about IT Incident Management? You know how Incidents are handled has an enormous impact to customer satisfaction. This quick-start summary will tell you what you need to know to…
- What is Basic IT Request Fulfillment?WLike it or not, customers evaluate IT on two things: How well you fix things that break, and how well you get me things I need. This article focuses on…
- What is Basic ITSM Problem Management?WWhen Devo unleashed their infamous “When a problem comes along, you must whip it”, they did more than coin an icon of 80’s pop music. Let’s move ahead with Basic…
- What's a RACI Chart and how do I use it?Misunderstandings make for good TV entertainment, but in ITSM, it’s not so funny. A RACI chart is a quick and easy way to create clarity. I have no clue who…
- What's an ITSM CAB? A Simple ExplanationThe Change Advisory Board (CAB) is arguably the most widely known ITSM activity. It’s also widely misunderstood. Here’s the quick lowdown on CAB. What is CAB? CAB – known formally…
- What's with 'Change Control' in ITIL4?IT has been calling Change Management by that name for decades. In the latest update to the de facto ITSM framework – ITIL®, the practice has unceremoniously been renamed to…
- Who said Best Practices are best for everyone?I’ve seen several articles recently railing against the very idea of best practices. In this article, I’ll take a closer look at where this criticism is coming from and take…
- Why ITSM Doesn't Work in the Real WorldFeeling like the lone IT Service Management prophet, without honor in your home town? Knowing how much Service Management can help, but feeling it will never happen because of the…
- Why ITSM success demands OwnershipWDoes lack of clear Ownership leave your organization spending a lot of time trying to determine who makes decisions? Do they suffer from decision deja vu, again and again? Ownership…
- “
- “ITIL® is Insufficient”Here we go again. Announced this week – Axelos – the company who owns ITIL is being sold to PeopleCert. Industry response varied greatly, but nearly eclipsed another significant announcement. IT…