I expect excellence in myself and others. Excellence is relative to my current ability; always striving for continual improvement. Excellence is pushing the limit of my current ability, the undying belief that I can do great things, and unrelenting commitment to achieve it.
~ Greg Sanker
I started ITSMTransition with one goal – to Enable Excellence in IT Service Management. The most successful articles this year have been those that have helped ITSM practitioners be successful where it really counts – in the real world.
Top Articles for 2013
- How to Mature a Basic IT Change Management Process
- How to Implement Basic IT Change Management
- How to Measure a Basic IT Change Management Process
- The Real Value of IT Incident Management
- What’s an ITSM CAB? A Simple Explanation
- Five Lessons Learned Implementing IT Change Management
I’m honored you have read and shared these articles with your colleagues, left comments, and sent me email. Your comments, questions, and feedback have helped shape what ITSMTransition is today.
Continual Service Improvement
Looking forward, I’m asking you, my loyal readers, where has ITSMTransition helped you this past year? How can it be improved? What topics would you like to see covered? What additional resources should be added?
When faced with challenges, what do you google for where you think ITSMTransition could serve you better?
I’d be very grateful to hear your thoughts. Please comment below or email me directly. (See About Me to contact me.)
Undying Belief In Doing Great Things
I am constantly amazed by the talented people I am privileged to work with. You inspire me in your undying belief that you can make your organizations great. One step at a time. One hill after another. You may be weary and worn, but you refuse to give up.
You are my kind of people – you adapt, improvise, and overcome.
I wish you a prosperous New Year.