ITSM Predictions for 2019: A Practitioners View

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Every year there’s a flurry of predictions for the coming year. This year, I decided to make my own list, from the neutral vantage point of an ITSM practitioner. I have no ulterior motive, or financial stake in these predictions – they’re simply my perspective at this point in time. 1 – Year of the …

Strategy and Culture: What I’ve Learned as a new CIO

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This year I accepted a CIO position at a state (government) agency. It’s been a great year of learning and growing, not the least of which being that the organizational landscape looks a lot different from this altitude. What a difference one level makes! “They” You know how there’s always a “they” – those anonymous …

A Lesson Hard Learned: Hiding Behind A Service Level Agreement

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But there is no joy in Mudville- mighty Casey has struck out. Ernest Lawrance Thayer penned those infamous words to describe the shocking strikeout of the odds-on favorite of The Mudville Nine.

IT Strategic Vision: The Land of Unicorns and Rainbows

IT Strategic Vision IT Service Management transformation unicorn rainbow Pin it

What do unicorns and rainbows have to do with IT Strategic Vision and Service Management? It’s an interesting tale, and if you read on, I’ll make it worth your while. Trust me.

Best Practices Don’t Make you Excellent!

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 “Best practices can only make you average. They stifle creativity and encourage ‘inside the box’ thinking.” I hear this all the time. But the truth is, best practices are what makes excellence possible, and I’ll tell you why.


ITIL Teamwork OneTeam Pin it

Earth to IT: we don’t care about your stupid internal bickering and blame games. We expect you to work together to help us solve our business problems. Your customers are under pressure to deliver results, and they don’t have patience for silos and tribalism. If you have a silo’d IT culture ~ it’s time to grow …

Why ITSM Doesn’t Work in the Real World

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Feeling like the lone IT Service Management prophet, without honor in your home town? Knowing how much Service Management can help, but feeling it will never happen because of the huge gap between ‘here’ and ‘there’? Been there. Why IT’IL never work You’ve been to training. You know how it’s supposed to work. But there’s …

IT Improvement: Let’s Get This Party Started!

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 In IT, there are times for incremental improvements and other times when you just gotta start a revolution. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, the difference between the podium and obscurity in men’s high jump was a mere 10 centimeters. Dating back to the late 1800’s, high jump has been dominated by two major techniques: scissors …

Holding Still and The Illusion of IT Stability

Keeping your IT infrastructure stable while making necessary changes feels a bit like walking a tightrope without a net. A near-impossible feat requiring nimble balance The art of Tightrope Walking Nik Wallenda recently walked a tightrope over a quarter mile chasm near the Grand Canyon on live television  He did it with no safety harness; …

Enabling Excellence in IT Service Management

I expect excellence in myself and others. Excellence is relative to my current ability; always striving for continual  improvement. Excellence is pushing the limit of my current ability, the undying belief that I can do great things, and unrelenting commitment to achieve it. ~ Greg Sanker I started ITSMTransition with one goal – to Enable …

IT Transformation; Hitting ‘The Wall’

If you’ve been working on IT Service Management for some time, you’ve undoubtedly had times when you are just exhausted. Not sure you can take another step. Sound familiar? So much to do, so much opportunity; an endless uphill battle. And on top of that… …the regular job most of us in Service Management have …