Who said Best Practices are best for everyone?

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I’ve seen several articles recently railing against the very idea of best practices. In this article, I’ll take a closer look at where this criticism is coming from and take it head on. I recently read a classic executive-targeted article article from CIO.com by Bob Lewis, Why every IT leader should avoid ‘best practices’. His …

The Value of Values in IT Transformation, Part 1

Transformation is hard; transformation without knowing your values is impossible. Implementing Service Management demands changing behaviours and cultures, and that is never easy. It’s not enough to want to change, or even to know where we’re going. Too often we start with What needs to change, but people need to know Why. I came across …

IT Service Managment: It’s all about value to the business

ITIL is designed to maximize business value, so why is it so often viewed as a process-improvement effort? IT Service Management can be polarizing, almost a religious experience –  it’s many things to many people; understood by few, misunderstood by most, and ultimately, is just kind of annoying to everyone else. I remember going to …