Forgone IT maintenance comes at a cost. For most companies, it’s a never ending battle. Here’s five tips for getting out of technical debt.
Are 80% of all IT Incidents Change-Related?
Everyone’s heard that IT causes the majority of incidents when changes go wrong, but is it really true? Are 80% of all incidents change-related?
IT Change Management or Blame Management
Far too often the first question when changes go bad is “did it go to CAB”. The question is not only the wrong one, but reveals some poor thinking behind the question.
Getting started with a basic service catalog
Knowing you need a service catalog and getting your organization to have one are two very different things. Here’s some practical advice for getting started with a basic service catalog (even if you don’t have a full ITSM program!)
Killing CAB, Part I: Standard Changes
Hate CAB? You’re in good company if you do. I’ve never met someone who actually likes coming to CAB. What I come across far more often is people who hate ‘CAB’, and would rather do just about anything to avoid it.
Fusion 15: Five Simple Ways to Make the Most of the Premier Conference
Fusion 15 is the premier ITSM conference – Part HDI conference, part ITSM conference, and new this year, DevOps Fusion. So much opportunity; so little time. Without a plan it’s easy to miss out on something important!.
A Lesson Hard Learned: Hiding Behind A Service Level Agreement
But there is no joy in Mudville- mighty Casey has struck out. Ernest Lawrance Thayer penned those infamous words to describe the shocking strikeout of the odds-on favorite of The Mudville Nine.
Five things that should be on every CAB agenda
What are we supposed to talk about at CAB? What should be on the CAB agenda?